Die besten Spiele bei denen man Bewegungsabläufe vordefinieren kann 2024
- Heat
- Flamme Rouge
- Colt Express (Spiel des Jahres 2015)
- Colt Super Express
- Robo Chaos
- Wings of War: Famous Aces
- Walk the Plank!
- Quirky Circuits
- Dive
- Robo Rally (originale 1994 Version)
- Room 25
- Exceed Fighting System
- BattleCON: War of Indines
- Wings of War: Dawn of War
- Robo Rally (2016er Edition)
- Lords of Xidit
- VOLT: Robot Battle Arena
- Robot Turtles
- Tiny Turbo Cars
- The Queen's Gambit: Das Damengambit
- Tiny Epic Mechs
- Asteroyds
- Bomb Squad
- Jurassic Park: Danger!
- Battlestar Galactica: Starship Battles – Starter Set
- Epigo
- Crazy Karts
- Space Cadets
- Chrono Corsairs